Contribution Deadline

Remember you can still contribute to your HSA for the 2023 tax year until the tax filing deadline. You have several options to make contributions: deposit online through your account or mail the contribution form.

Contribution Limits

Familiarize yourself with the contribution limits for 2023:

It's crucial not to exceed these limits, as doing so can result in tax penalties.

Accessing Tax Documents

View and download your tax documents promptly. You can access these documents by logging in to your account at or through the HSA Central Mobile App. Keep an eye out for two essential forms:

Reporting Contributions and Distributions

When filing your taxes, it's crucial to report both contributions and distributions accurately. Use Form 8889 to report HSA contributions and calculate your deduction, if applicable. Additionally, ensure that you include this information on Form 1040.

Seeking Assistance

If you find yourself needing assistance or have questions about your HSA, don't hesitate to reach out. You can contact the HSA Central team at 833.232.4676.

By following this checklist, you can streamline the process of preparing your taxes and ensure that you're maximizing your HSA benefits. Remember, proper documentation and adherence to contribution limits are key to avoiding any potential tax pitfalls. Stay informed, stay organized, and make the most of your HSA for a financially secure future.

We're happy to provide tax help. For official tax advice, please consult your tax advisor.